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Bespoke designs and special orders

Sometimes, nothing else will do

As much as Rachel Clare loves picking out her own fabric ideas and matching them to a beautiful fleece, she also knows that sometimes a present has to be ‘just that little bit’ different, ultra-unique or simply special in a way that only you know how!

You Decide

You may be a fan of a particular sports team, or theme, or even want to be patriotic with your choice of fabric design; whatever you’d like Rachel Clare to make especially for you, it can be arranged, and nothing is impossible as long as she has time to find the perfect fabric for you.

What does it cost, and how long does it take?

As far as time is concerned, the longer lead-in you can give her, the better chance she’ll have of getting you the best match for your needs; so let her know as soon as possible and she will let you know if something can be done in time for your particular deadline

The cost is simple, a bespoke blanket is £39.99 + P&P as with all other blankets. However, when you join our Cozibaby Family you can order bespoke blankets for the same price as the standard and ready-made range. All you need to do to join is purchase any blanket, complete the on-line form and send us a picture of your bundle of joy in their Cozibaby blanket

Bespoke Examples

This baby’s mum is a Harry Potter fan, and wanted something that resonated with that theme. The owls aren’t quite ‘Hedwig’ but mum loved Rachel Clare’s interpretation.

The friend that ordered this bespoke little funky number was very clear that she wanted a ‘statement’ piece for her best-friends new arrival. Rachel Clare found the fabric and this one made everyone smile.

Place a bespoke order