WARNING: never leave your baby unattended in a car seat or in any way impede the functioning of the seat safety requirements

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Warm, Comfy and Cosy

Simple Steps to Swaddle the baby in a Cozibaby Blanket

1. Open up the blanket and place over the seat so that the slots in the blanket line up with the straps in the chair, making sure that the blanket doesn’t bunch up.

2. Push the straps through the slots in the blanket, ensuring that the blanket is completely flat against the seat and no loose folds or gaps are visible.

3. Complete the process of fitting the blanket by pulling through all the straps and the locking mechanism for the safety harness.

4. Place the baby in the seat just as you would do if the blanket wasn’t there. The hood of the blanket should rest gently above the head of the child.

5. Ensure the baby is positioned correctly, again being sure that the blanket in no way impedes the seat from doing it’s job of holding the baby securely.

6. Adjust the straps so that the baby is securely fitted into the seat and complete the fitting of the harness.

7. Gently fold the blanket around the baby and settle the hood comfortably in an appropriate position.

8. Swaddle the baby and tuck the blanket comfortably over the baby.

9. Finally, fold the bottom of the blanket either over or under the feet on the baby. The blanket base can be folded either with the fleece up or under as preferred.

Watch as ‘Teddy’ is quickly and easily swaddled in his warm and comfy Cozibaby Blanket